Our history isn't the only thing that sets us apart, how we work towards our desired future is a huge differentiator. BAS Consultancy Services Ltd was born from a family business. We all started bringing our skills together from the living room, and literally worked out of the living room, fast forward 20 years and we are a very different looking business. With every action we take today, from our environmental footprint to how we engage with those looking for support, we want to have a lasting positive impact. We want to see local businesses, local employment and the world we are leaving behind for our children, and their children, truly thrive.
Sian Smith

My family are my main driving force. Everything I do, I consider my family. We spend as much time together as possible so we can laugh as we do silly things and create lifelong memories.

Like most business owners, I do my best to create a healthy work-life balance. It has taken me such a long time to really understand how important this is and how I need to let my hair down... any fun suggestions?
Growing up I was never really sure what I wanted to do as a profession. I left school before I finished my A-levels because I just couldn't decide what my next steps should be. I went straight into the world of business... for nearly 2 years sold IT equipment to local businesses. It was in this position that I pitched my first business growth idea - a repositioning of the brand to better position and market the B2B IT offering in what was seen as a B2C brand and business.
Seeing this project gain traction really opened my eyes to the changes that can be made in business and the impact they have.
I then went on to complete a degree in Business & Marketing whilst starting my journey into corporate life. Over the next 10 years I worked with corporates, across multiple brands in multiple countries, and in various consulting roles working on multiple projects which included, business planning cycles, acquisitions, people development, market saturation, business governance, creating and embedding culture, core values development, organisational structure, new product launches, brand development...and more!
Alongside this work with corporates, I continued to work with smaller local businesses on their growth and development. It was 3 years ago that I decided working with small business owners was what I really enjoyed. I could work 1 to 1 with owners to really understand their business and could really see the hard work business owners put in and how they can achieve their goals!
So, after that whistle stop tour, it might be nice to know a few personal things about me. I love a G&T on a Friday night (I am not fussy on the gin, nor the tonic, and I don't mind if it has ice - just pour it in a glass and I'm a happy lady!), I enjoy running (sometimes) and I also run another business with my husband (crazy - I know!).
Here are three things that keep me happy and motivated...
Every day I find a way to bring food into a conversation, or two! Apart from smoked fish (which I would still probably eat), I am yet to find food that I don't enjoy. Let me know your best food suggestions...
What are you waiting for?
When you know you need to make changes for you and your business, there are always choices.
Some people decide to increase their activity to encourage growth
Some people increase the amount they're spending in certain activities, usually marketing to try and secure more leads
Some people change the amount they are doing in the hope of making their business more profitable
Some people decide to sell or close down their business
Some people do nothing
Typically the worst option is to do nothing. Whilst it is important and take your time finding the right support for you and your business. There is no time like the present to start taking a step in the right direction, help is one click away...